The Union League
140 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102, USA
MAY 7-9, 2013
Philadelphia is a city where America made its grand start as an independent state. It was also once the capital and holds deep history. With Manny's help, we were able to hold the third RSCI meeting at the Union League, a historic building where the fifth president once made a speech. Lectures were held under Lincoln's warm gaze, and the Library Lounge used for case display was a classy, magnificent space that provided the attendees with the perfect environment to focus on each case.
The oral presentations were given by fifteen members covering various topics. Ample time was allocated for Q&A, which made the experience highly valuable and stimulating for both the presenter and the listeners. Since everyone is already familiar with Roth Philosophy and its clinical application in day-to-day practice, the discussion served as an opportunity to re-visit certain aspects at a whole another level. For this learning experience to continue year after year, the presenters are asked to provide meticulous documentation that will serve as the basis for the discussion.
Group photo at the Gala
In the conference room

The 3rd annual meeting, May 7-9, 2013
Outside the Union League

The Union League is located one block away from the City Hall (pictured) at the center of the city. City Hall appears even more spectacular when its lit up at night.

Council members
At the Council meeting before the meeting (from left):
Gyehyeong Lee, Satoshi Adachi, Ted Freeland, Kazumi Ikeda, Bruce Greenberg , Emanuel Wasserman, Byungtaek Choi, Sangmi Lee (Korean interpreter)

Lincoln Memorial
The lecture hall with a statue of Lincoln at the back watching over the meeting.

The statue of Lincoln at the back of Lincoln Memorial Please watch over us for the two days.

Kazumi Ikeda at the Opening remark Introducing new members, Junko Hiraga and Noriyo Uchiyama

During James's presentation
Everyone is 100% focused despite the early morning start

Next up: Yoshihiro Nakajima
Title is “An Angle Class II Division 1 deep bite case treated with an Asher facebow”

Discussion time
Tateshi Hiraki, participating as a Moderator along with Dori, guiding comments and questions.

Kazumi Ikeda taking the podium after an introduction by Dori

Next presentation by Kazumi Ikeda
Title is ”A case of an adolescent patient with mandibular prognathism and an open bite accompanied by a circular resorption in the condyle”

Next up is Satoshi Adachi
Title is “Stability of TMJ in skeletal II surgical patients”

Satoshi Sakai finishes up the first day with his presentation titled “A skeletal open-bite TMD case treated with vertical control of the molars. Is there any limitation of intrusion of the molars?”

Translators from Japan: Sanae Iwakami (left), Rei Kawagishi (right)

Masaru Sakai participating in the discussion time after Dori's presentation

Next up is Masaru Sakai
Title is “Orthodontic treatment in the primary and early mixed dentition Part 1: Anterior crossbite”

Last speaker Yasoo Watanabe
Title is “Treatment of high-angle cases using implant anchors”

Miho and Kei (Kazumi's staff) helping at the reception desk Thank you for the hard work!
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Posterboad presentation and case file review

Poster board presentation and case file review at the Library Lounge

Case file from each participating member. As before, everyone brought a case!

Poster boards that require a lot of effort to make. Big thanks to the participating doctors.

Members eagerly reviewing case files during a break.

Members having a discussion over a case file

Walking over to take a close look at the poster boards

Always eager to learn, Junko

Also focused, Masako Komatsu
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At coffee break

Enjoying a casual chat during Coffee break: Diego Perez Macal (left) and Shigeru Tanaka (right)

Uyanlar Ayhan, Masaru, and Satoshi (from left)

Junichiro Nagayama, Byungtaek, Takehiro Hirano, Manny, and Akira Kawamura (from left)
Akira was a Moderator for the afternoon session on the second day

Margaret, Yoshihiro, Hidetoshi Shirai, Motoyasu Taguchi, and Tateshi (from left)
Yoshihiro and Hidetoshi were Moderators for the afternoon of first day and morning of the second day, respectively

Yasoo, Satoshi, and Masaru (from left)

Hedetoshi, Isayo, Renie, Kei, and Miho (from left)

Lunch time: time to relax

Delicious array of food

Catching up with friends during lunch
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At the Gala

Masaru Sakai humbly holding the Front Runner Award

Dori (left) and Shigeru (right)

Satoshi Sakai, Diego, Satoshi Adachi, and Uyanlar (from left)

Presentation of the first Front Runner Award Manny giving a speech with piano accompaniment of Frank Sinatra's “My Way”

Masaru Sakai received the first Front Runner Award

Kazumi giving a speech about Masaru's incredible achievements

Front from left: Masako, Kyoko Kato, Masaru
In the back: Yukino Takagi, Akira

Front from left: Hiroshi Takeshita, Manny, Bruce, Kazumi
In the back: Isayo, Renie, Miho, Kei, Uyanlar, Satoshi

Front from left: Masako, Kyoko, Masaru, Junichiro's wife
In the back: Hideaki Miyata, Junichiro, Akira

From left: Akira, Motoyasu, Junichiro's wife, Junichiro, Hideaki, Yasoo, Yukino, Masako, Kyoko

From left: Izumi (Koichi's wife), Koichi Misaki, Yoshihiro, Takehiro, Hidetoshi, Tateshi, Junko, Noriyo
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