Bourbon Orleans Hotel
717 Orleans St., New Orleans, LA 70116, USA
APR 29th-MAY 1st, 2014
Our last meeting was held in New Orleans, at The Bourbon Orleans located at the center of the French Quarter. Dr. James Sieberth put in tremendous effort in organizing this meeting, from selecting the venue to management. I would like to give a huge thanks to Jim on behalf of the members.
“Everyone brings a case to the meeting!” Four years have passed since this seemingly simple, but actually difficult challenge has been put into practice. It is evident that the quality of the cases is constantly improving. I think the study club is getting closer to what Dr. Roth had envisioned.
There were 15 case presentations with plenty of discussion time, and many ideas and comments were exchanged. When presenters are able to show what they have carefully documented, that in turn prompts exciting discussions. Next meeting will be held in San Francisco, where Dr. Roth made a large impact on orthodontics. There will be many opportunities to have deep discussions, through the special lecture by Dr. Laura Iwasaki, whose research interest involves stress loading within TMJ, as well as through the cases brought together by members that show positive responses in mandibular growth after jaw position stabilization using splint therapy. Dr. Hatcher will also be attending as a commentator. Let’s show Dr. Roth the further evolved RSCI.
Group photo at the meeting venue with the presenters at the front row
In the conference room

Outside of The Bourbon Orleans hotel, the venue of the meeting

The Bourbon Orleans is located right by the Jackson Square, at the center of the French Quarter and surrounded by Southern European-style cityscape.

The lobby of The Bourbon Orleans. The stately interior is calming.

At the Council meeting before the conference
From left: Byungtaek Choi, Sangmi Lee (Korean interpreter), Euna Choi, James Sieberth, Kazumi Ikeda, Gyehyeong Lee, Hidetoshi Shirai, Emanuel Wasserman, Satoshi Adachi, Ted Freeland

Jim (back) and Kim, his secretary (front left)
They played a huge role in making this meeting a success. Kim, together with Kei Miyazaki and Kaori Otsuka (front center and right) managed the reception desk.

This meeting’s theme: “Dynamic of Stability—The Keys Revisited”

The conference room

The meeting is about to start!

James Sieberth giving the Opening remark

First presenter of the meeting Day 1, Masako Komatsu and Jim, acting as the moderator for the morning session

Masako starting her presentation on “An orthognathic surgery case”

Euna Choi, who is a moderator along with James for the morning of Day 1, is introducing the next speaker, Hiroshi Takeshita

Hiroshi Takeshita presenting “Extraction treatment of maxillary protrusion with a retrognathic mandible”

Discussion time is filled with questions and comments Byungtaek participating in the discussion

Behind the scenes: “our ears and voice”
Two interpreters from Japan
Rei Kawagishi (right), Sanae Iwakami (left)
Thank you for your support!

Takehiro Hirano, our Day 1 afternoon session moderator, is introducing the next presenter, Masaru Sakai

Masaru is speaking on “A Case of Maxillary Protrusion in the Early Mixed Dentition with Condylar Deformity in the Superior Aspect of the Right Condyle - Part 2”

A question from Don Linck

Another question from Jim

Next presentation is by Hideaki Miyata on “‘Miracle’ Results of Splint Therapy in a Preadolescent Patient with Severe Asymmetry.”

Yukino Takagi asking a question

A comment by Tadanori Furuya

Shigeru Tanaka working hard as a historian
Since he is the one taking the pictures, we don’t have Shigeru’s photos. Thank you for the photos!

Tadanori participating in a discussion

Satoshi Adachi presenting “TMJ Imaging and its Clinical Consideration in Orthodontics”

Day 2 morning session’s other moderator, Tateshi Hiraki, is presenting a certificate of appreciation to Satoshi.

Manny and Jim very focused on the presentation

Tateshi presenting a certificate of appreciation after Kyung Hun’s presentation

The other moderator, Masako introducing the next speaker

Noriyo Uchiyama presenting “Retreatment of Surgical Case with Surgical Design Tailored to the Patient’s Joint Status”

Masako presenting a certificate of appreciation after Noriyo’s presentation

Kazumi Ikeda giving Closing Remarks and introducing the new attendees at this meeting
Posterboad presentation and case file review

Members from Japan having a discussion over a case file
Motoyasu Tagichi, Satoshi Sakai, Yasoo Watanabe, Daisuke Nonoyama (from left)

Case file from each participating member. As before, everyone brought a case!

Noriyo Uchiyama (left) asking Masaru Sakai (right) a question on a case file

A lot of efforts go into making poster boards. Thank you to everyone that participated!
Yoshihiro Nakajima (left) just finished putting up is poster, and Yasoo (right) asking a question about his case.

Yoshiro’s poster board titled “Bi-maxillary protrusion case treated with two jaw surgeries”

Satoshi’s poster board titled “Skeletal openbite treated with multi-semented Le Fort I osteotomy and SSRO”

Kazumi sharing his book with the attendees from Guatemala and Mexico

Members eagerly reviewing case files during break time

There are many files to go through!

Kazumi (left) and Jim (right) having a discussion over a case

Group discussion over a case file is a usual scene at the meetings.

Japanese members asking Masaru questions

Junko Hiraga concentrated on case files

Margaret (center) and Satoshi (facing back) exchanging comments about a case file

Looks like everyone is having a great time!

Ted (left) and Kazumi (rlght)

Yasoo at the case file display tables

Attendees from Guatemala and Mexico at Shigeru’s poster board
Shigeru’s poster is on “A skeletal class II malocclusion case treated with vertical control of the molars”

Shigeru explaining his poster to Ted

Case file display

Case file display

Case file display
At coffee break

At the Coffee break Kazumi (left) and Jim (right)

Satoshi (left) and Masaru (right)

Kazumi (left) and Ted (right)

Enjoying a casual chat during Coffee break: Don (left) and Kazumi (right)

Junko (left) and Noriyo (right)

Jim (left) and Masako (right) holding a certificate of appreciation

Shigery and his family. Thank you for taking great pictures.

Kei (Kazumi’s staff) and Kazumi

Kim, Kei, and Kaori (from left)
Thank you so much for your hard work!

Special thanks to Kim for helping this meeting come together.

Daisuke Nonoyama, Yutaka Kitahara, Motoyasu Taguchi, and Yasoo (from left)

Tadanori, Yukino, Koichi Misaki, and Masako (from left)

Junko, Noriyo, and Tateshi Hiraki (from left)
At the Gala

The jazz band is here!

Jim (right) and his older brother (left)
Jim’s brother is a talented musician and the jazz band’s leader

The Gala took place at the beautiful courtyard with a pool
Diego, Ana, Manny and Ted (from left)

Junko, Noriyo, Tateshi, Masako and Yukino (from left)

Members encaptured by the live jazz music
Yasoo, Tadanori, Daisuke, Hideaki Aoki and Hideaki Miyata (from left)

Thoroughly enjoyed the live music at New Orleans, a birthplace of jazz

Yoshihiro, Hidetoshi, Masaru and Takehiro (from left)

But then, the sudden rain. Oh no!
The Gala was moved to the Lobby. The party goes on!

Kim and Jim
Thank you for the flawless organization of the meeting!

The Gala restarting at the Lobby

The band is also ready to go indoors

Kazumi happy and surprised by the birthday celebration

The jazz band getting their groove on

Two interpreters from Japan
Sanae (left), Rei (right)
Thank you so much for your hard work.

Yasoo, Daisuke, Tadanori and Hideaki (from Left)

Hideaki, Koichi, Masaru, Shigeru and Satoshi (from Left)

Hiroshi, Hidetoshi, Takehiro and Yoshihiro (from left)